Monday, April 16, 2012

Pain in the...

(Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. I am not a doctor. If you have back pain (or pain of any kind), go see your doctor.)

I hurt my back last week. I can't exactly pin point what I did. But I have a few things that could lead up to it.

Monday, I'd done ONE BILLION squats and kettlebell swings. Okay. Fine. I'm exaggerating. 100 squats. 106 kettlebell swings. My hamstrings were mad at me for days. And according to Google, tight hamstrings can lead to lower back pain. But my back didn't hurt until...

Enter Thursday, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (video). My first work-out with those. Not my favorite thing. It's awkward. At least, I'm really awkward at it. And while I know I was careful about my form on the pull, I'm not really sure I was solid getting the weight back to the floor for my tap and go.

It was Thursday evening I noticed my back was sore. And Friday, I skipped Crossfit to rest it.

But I couldn't pass up Saturday. Snatches! (video)

In case you haven't heard, I really really like to lift heavy things. Some people wouldn't consider them as heavy as I do. But it's still loads of fun.

My back was still a little tight. I did what I could to stretch it out. And I started lighter than I might have otherwise. And, drumroll, it didn't hurt at all. AMAZING. I was so nervous that I wasn't going to be able to lift anymore. I didn't even have a twinge at any point in my lifts. WOO!

Then it came time for a cash-out (ie, the work-out after the work-out). It was a run. Casual, on your own kind of thing. I was the only one in my class to do it. I didn't get far. I mean, I hate running to start with. It was kinda why I decided to do it even when no one else was. I want to get better.

But *insert bad words here* it hurt!

Lesson I learned: Even if you are hurt, there are ways to stay active and get fit. It might not be what you are used to or your favorite thing to do. You might have to scale back (in my case no running and lighter weights). But it's not an excuse to give up.


  1. I know exactly what thats like! I did my back out on Monday from sprinting and it has been agony all week but I kept doing my WODS and just drew the line at running and its feeling a lot better now. Id rather scale down then do nothing!

  2. That's what I've been doing all week. No running and going light on the weights. I've also opted for goblet squats instead of kettlebell swings. And I'm feeling better too. I'm still going to lay off the running for another week at least. Or until I feel like it's the truth and not just an excuse. Man, I hate running. :)
