Sunday, February 27, 2011


I have to fess up. I was eating M&Ms the night of my last blog. To make matters worse, my husband was reading my blog while I did it. And he said, "I'm reading this great blog." And then began to quote me to me. LOVELY.

It had been a hard day. My 5 year old son was just being defiant and frustrating. And his 3 year old sister was learning all his best moves. I'd had enough and I turned to sweets.

In my defense, I only had a handful (okay! two). Which goes a long way from where I was before I learned about Paleo.

And I don't have any M&Ms in the house now.

I will be buying some dark chocolate. I like those Ghirardelli Squares, they are the right size to eat just one. I get the 72% but I'm going to move up to the 86%.

But for now, I'm going to not have chocolate in the house. It seems a better move.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cutting Carbs

A little heads up for anyone who is about to change their diet. Cutting carbs will make you crabby. I've never come across anyone that can say they didn't notice. Crabby and it can make you feel like you have the flu. Your body just plain aches. Everyone gets on your nerves. And likely you might start looking around for your favorite starch/sugar filled treat.

Don't give in!

It will pass.

Day 3-5 you will feel like a new person.

I promise.

Which makes me wonder, if your body has to detox itself from gluten and processed sugar (all sugar is processed), why don't more people recognize it for the drug it is?

If it were good for us in the first place, we wouldn't react so harshly, don't you think?

Anyway, I'll see you in a few days after my detox. Even though I know how bad it is for me, I still fall into the evil traps of grains and sugar.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bacon, it's what's for dinner!

My biggest starting obstacle is food.

Some people claim the way to weight loss is exercise. I call BS on that. I know full well the more I exercise the more I eat. Who wouldn't be hungry after a 3 mile run? In fact, you should eat after exercise. Something with protein, it helps your muscles heal. But my weakness is comfort food. Gluten coated and fried, please and thank you. Or something completely gluten and covered in processed sugar. YUM!

So my first wave of attack at being the best I can possibly be is starting with what goes in my mouth.

And if you are like me and live in a backwater country town with only that small local grocery and a Walmart, you know how hard it is to get good clean food. It just isn't always available.

But it's about doing the best you can. I'm reviewing my Paleo/Primal food resources. Reminding myself about the values of clean food and proper fuel.

And when the going gets tough, I'll just remember there is always BACON!

Monday, February 21, 2011

SINS Body Transformation Blog Challange

Adam at posted up the outline for Strong is the New Skinny's Body Transformation Challange. (See here)

Wow that is a mouth full to say.

I'm not sure how committed I am to blogging this. I'd like to think since it is a challenge that I'm going to be gung ho. It's always easy to be gung ho in the beginning.

But over the holidays I regained all the weight I worked so hard to lose last year. (read 20 lbs!) Dang! That sucks. How'd I even manage that?! It took ALL FREAKING YEAR to stick to it enough to lose that weight. And from November until today, I managed to put it all back on. Needless to say I have very little to wear, as I purge fat clothes as I shrink out of them.

So here I am.

189.4 lbs
size 14 (cough *16*)

I'm not ready to post a before picture. I cringe at looking at a before picture.

But I'll take one. I'll get the hubby to do one of those horrid sports bra too small shorts shots in front of a door. That seems to be the fad for before pictures.

<3 Katie