I thought I'd let you know I'm still here. I'm still working on it. We've moved into our new house. Most of the boxes are unpacked. The grocery stores have been scouted. And my husband has joined the local Crossfit.
Yes that says husband. There are some new factors to consider on my enrollment. $$ is one. At least until our other house sells. I can see you thinking, why does the husband get a membership if I don't. Well, his company pays for him a gym membership. LUCKY!
So exercise is on hold, well not exercise, but Crossfit.
In the meantime, I'm working on my diet. Cutting out grains is a b*tch for a girl that is a comfort eater. Especially during a move. Especially now that she lives oh so close to a Five Guys. Oh Lord Above is Five Guys tasty.
But I'm working on it. I didn't gain any weight during the move. Which I have to say I'm proud of.